Thursday, September 27, 2012

As a matter of fact...

I DO go to the bathroom outside.  This has very, very little to do with the rest of this post, but while killing some time in the Northshire bookstore I saw this and had an awkward moment of laughing out loud while everyone else was silent.  A similar scenario occurred when I saw this book:

It is a parody (thankfully and hopefully), but Goodnight Moon was one of my favorite books growing up, so I was saddened in a hysterical way when I came across this title.  I did purchase a book, Double Cross by Ben Macintyre, which chronicles that adventures of d-day solider spies.  Nerdy, I know.  But it's like an adventure story except with real world people which just raises the stakes infinitely. 

Now for three things that I don't joke about:

 Breakfast:  This has become a pretty standard first course of breakfast for me, but today I decided to make it photo worthy.  The base is some Chobani yogurt (Ah!), topped with some nectarines (questionably in season but still good), with a crown of my absolute favorite, raspberries.  Then there is some wonderful granola sprinkled on the top.  So simple, so good.

 Dinner:  Here is one of our home cooked meals from the past weekend.  It turns out there were a lot of vegetables--even brussel sprouts.  I'm not even sure if I like brussel sprouts that much, but they were on the table so I ate them (obviously).  We also adventured out and tried some scallops (good) and some butternut squash with asparagus (better).  And then for dessert we had some ice cream (the white chocolate raspberry chocolate truffle kind--better-er) with some raspberry chocolate chip cookies on the top (best).  Is there anything better than a fabulous meal? Unclear.

Dessert:  I don't mess around when it comes to baking.  Pictured above is probably one of Erika's and my best creation yet: a maple bundt cake.  We got the recipe from the Martha Stewart American Cookbook, and as Erika aptly concluded, "She may have not done everything right, but she did know how to cook."  True statement.  This cake was incredible, like happiness solidified in a maple-y, sugar-y, over the top amazing-y cake. YUM.

And I don't quite remember what we were cooking when we came across this cool thing, but its cool so here's a picture.

Two yolks in one egg! BONUS!!!!!!!

Oh yah, we workout (cue LMFAO song):

This picture isn't posed at all...regardless this is the top of a big hill that Erika and I biked up a couple days ago.  It was really cold, and we are complete novices (or just really tough guys...yup going with that one) and didn't wear gloves, or shorts (who needs feeling in their fingers? Not this kid).  But after biking uphill for awhile we recovered and had a wonderful time.

Here is Erika and I doing some solid level 3 (threshold) striding intervals up the Stratton Access road.  Its got really nice new pavement, and is perfect for any level three type stuff.  I had definitely felt better in my life, but also much worse.  As it turns out after that day I developed a little sniffles, but I've been pounding the vitamin C and some really nasty zinc chews and feel a lot better today.  So I'll keep today pretty easy and hope that this sucker is gone for good!

This sucker is probably not gone for good:

As it turns out the mouse is actually really smart (and also strong seeing as it ate some powerbars) and didn't stick his head in the trap like he was supposed to.  Therefore he didn't die.  So when we (by we I mean Eric Packer) let him go he just scurried off no harm done.  Probably just a flesh wound.  So he'll be back.  As will I in my next post!

Hugz and Kissez

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