1. Recovering outside.
Gus did remind us that laying in the sun isn't recovery, but every once in awhile is just fine. I'm pretty sure that maximum recovery also involves getting sufficient stock piles of Vitamin D, and I'm currently in no shortage. I've also finally attained a non-ghost like appearance, so when I stand in front of a clean white wall I don't just blend in. Although I do still occasionally enhance my "tan" with the occasional neon article of clothing (well ok all the time).
Paddy and me "recovering" after a long ski |
This is from "lookout point" on Equinox Mountain, which Annie and I ran (ok mostly walked) up for an easier day of training. It's so funny having another person named Annie around, and is requiring some more specific naming. I'm also not still not used to saying my own name out loud, but I'm psyched that she's here and she makes an excellent training partner.
The Two Annies |
A couple days ago we hopped into some skate speeds (my favorite workout) with the REG camp currently happening at SMS. It's an awesome time--lots of people all running around and skiing really fast. That said, it makes me feel really old because I remember going to REG camp and that seems like a really, REALLY long time ago. But back to not crying... so during the speeds I had my first ever crash. I had just been waiting for the day I totally ate it, because before that day I had only experienced one minor crash 2 years ago. But immediately after that minor crash I was giggling because I literally fell over Isabel, but then I looked down and saw that my thumb was bleeding, and started sobbing. This fall was much worse, but I didn't cry. I just put on my big girl pants and finished up the speed session. Sometimes that's what you have to do--put on the big girl pants and keep on keepin' on. Although putting on pants still hurts. Good thing its dress season!
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Ouch. |
Every day I am constantly reminded how lucky I am to have Isabel as a constant companion. She is the most wonderful, genuine, happy, supportive, loyal and beautiful person I think I know. Love you boo!
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Vermont Wildflowers are beautiful. After a double pole workout in Weston (where there a lot of big hills) I made Isabel get out of the car and go frolic in them. It didn't take much convincing. |
5. The Super Moon
A couple of nights ago the world experienced a super moon. According to Wikipedia, a super moon is when a full moon is closest to the earth, resulting in the largest apparent size of the moon. It's technically called the perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun System. Our Power was out for the night, so Isabel and I took the opportunity to stay up and look at it! It was awesome, the iphone doesn't do it justice. In addition we saw a lot of fireflies, and apparently fire flies "light up" to attract mates during mating season, and that the light created by fire flies is the only light that doesn't emit energy because it is a chemical reaction in the bug. Fun Fact courtesy of Isabel! Isabel and I are going to hunt fire flies later this summer.
The SUPER moon. |
Following lots of big sweaty workouts (like the L3 bounding up Stratton Mountain we did today--a ton of fun in part because of the huge group of people--so cool!) a lot of time we head to the snow making pond. The water is very clean and a superb temperature, and maybe by the end of the summer I'll make it in. Sophie beat me too it--she went in today! Which is rare because normally we are the two sitting by the edge dipping our toes in :) Speaking of Sophie...
7. Soph's Back!
Sophie just got back from a 5 week western adventure. She was in Bend with the US Ski Team (which she is now a part of...yay!) and then 3 weeks in Park City, Utah training. I'm glad she had such a fun time, but I'm glad-er that she's back here. Similar to Isabel, I love Sophie for all the same reasons. Must run in the family.
Isabel is also really excited that Soph (or Doph) is back. |
I love Red, one of the Caldwell's cats. The other cat is named Dudley Rose, and so far neither of them have been eaten by the fox. Hooray! Red likes to lay outside with me, and he apparently even has interest in being a cover girl. He's so majestic, he could probably start their first feline-friendly line.
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He's just a little bit tired. |
But always ready for the camera. |
Just towards the end of strength yesterday, we all looked outside and saw not only a rainbow, but the lowest rainbow I've ever seen AND both ends of it. Sorry to say there wasn't a pot of gold, but we still felt lucky. And we are lucky--all of us get to spend the summer training and hanging out, and appreciating all the wonderful things Vermont has to offer. I was also feeling especially lucky, because I have an easy week in strength. I've been working really hard at putting on some muscle in my legs, and I think its paying off, but its always nice to have an easy unload week. The arms are next. I'll probably feel them tomorrow after the double pole intervals we have planned (likely in the pouring rain). But after rain there are often rainbows, so it all comes full circle.
Maybe this is weird, but one of my favorite parts of summer is getting a sports bra tan line. And every year its kind of fun to see how long I can keep it into the winter. One year it never even went away. Some people hate them, but I just embrace it. T-Shirt tan lines, on the other hand, I am not a fan of. So I avoid those at absolutely all costs.
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winning! |
And on a final note, today is Sverre and Lilly's 26th wedding anniversary! Congratulations, and thank you so so much for having me. I miss my Minnesota family and home very much, but feel very lucky to have another place I can call home on the East.
And now Sophie and I are about to do another thing I love...bake some muffins.
hugz and kissez
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